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Using Technology to Enhance Communication During Mayday Incidents

Feb. 12, 2024
Fire chiefs can use these tools on- and off-scene to help improve firefighter safety outcomes

Fire chiefs and senior officers are constantly looking for ways to better prevent line-of-duty injuries and deaths and to better manage mayday incidents when they cannot be prevented.

There is no one magic solution to this age-old firefighter safety problem. However, combining well-structured policies and procedures, consistent and meaningful training, and best-in-class firefighter safety technology, fire chiefs can greatly improve their departments’ safety outcomes. This combination works because it reduces the chances of communication breakdowns during emergency situations.

This whitepaper takes a deep dive into the early communication warning signs that a mayday is imminent that incident commanders need to pay special attention to. An interview with one fire chief reveals how he improved his department’s on-scene safety with technology upgrades — and how he got firefighter buy-in for those changes. It delves into how advanced communication and monitoring technology platforms, like MSA’s Connected Firefighter Platform, improve firefighter and incident commander communication, improve communication with leaders not on scene or dispatch, and improve a chief’s ability to analyze and assess on-scene incidents and data for post-incident investigations and long-range planning. 

Incident safety is not an accident. It is the result of learning and implementing what is learned. It is a commitment of time, energy and resources. This whitepaper is part of that commitment to firefighter safety.

Download now to learn more. 

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