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PPE Risk Assessments: Why They’re Worth Doing and What They Should Include

June 5, 2024

Did you choose your last turnout gear based on what the department could afford, or did you choose it based on a fire department risk analysis, as required by NFPA 1851: Standard on Selection, Care, and Maintenance of Protective Ensembles for Structural Fire Fighting and Proximity Fire Fighting? Learn about the benefits of using an NFPA 1851 risk assessment in your department’s turnout gear selection and why fire hazard identification is important when choosing new PPE.

You’ll also learn the top four things to include in your fire hazard assessment, as well as a list of additional considerations for purchasers to keep in mind depending on your department’s location, call volume and other factors.

Turnout gear isn’t just about price. It’s about all the hazards in your jurisdiction — from the number of fire calls to the potential for CBRN disasters — and completing a PPE risk assessment so you have a full picture before you write a purchase order. 

Download this asset to learn more.

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