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NFPA 1850 – How will it affect your Fire Service PPE program?

Aug. 21, 2024
How NFPA 1850 updates improve fire service PPE safety and management, addressing gear selection, cleaning, decontamination, ISP verification, and SCBA retirement. Stay on top of the latest industry advancements with this summary of what is to come.

Rapid technological advancements challenge fire departments to keep up. Published every five years, NFPA standards offer substantial information. This white paper outlines significant updates in fire service PPE, including gear selection, cleaning, decontamination, ISP verification, and SCBA retirement. NFPA 1850 aims to improve safety, efficacy, and management of fire service PPE by reflecting industry advancements and the evolving needs of the fire service community.

Download now to learn more.



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