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Ask the Expert: NFPA Revises Selection, Care and Maintenance Standards: What it Means for the Fire Service

Sept. 5, 2024
NFPA has consolidated two firefighting safety standards into one while updating the standards focusing on personal protective equipment for firefighting.

NFPA has consolidated two firefighting safety standards into one while updating the standards focusing on personal protective equipment for firefighting. How does the new standard NFPA 1850 affect your department? Do you know what this update means for the cleaning and maintenance of your PPE? 

Download to discover:

  • NFPA standards updates: Helpful information to educate the fire service about meeting the updated standards and the NFPA consolidation process
  • Fire service gear maintenance: Strategies and options offered to make the care and longevity of your gear a top safety priority
  • LION TotalCare: What one manufacturer hopes to see take effect after this round of changes to the standards updates

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