The Klein HydroChart 3500 is a professional bathymetry sonar for shallow water operations with exceptional performance at an extremely competitive price. They HydroChart 3500 system was developed using our latest proprietary "wideband technology". The HydroChart 3500 provides unrivalled range and resolution performance in a compact, lightweight system that is easy to install, set up and operate.
The system produces data that exceeds international survey standards (IHO-SP-44, special order), and when combined with our proven uncertainty model, allows for automated/intelligent data processing.
The HydroChart 3500 includes a sonar head unit, topside interconnect unit (TIU) with deck cable and SonarPro data acquisition software. The sonar head unit consists of dual transducer arrays together with Subsea Electronics Unit (SEU), housed in a lightweight frame assembly. Optionally, the SEU can be outfitted with a surface sound velocimeter and Motion Reference Unit (MRU).
The key features of the system include: co-registered and geo-referenced IHO quality swath bathymetry and high-resolution side scan imagery, bathymetry coverage up to 12 times the water depth or altitude, support for optional sound velocity sensor to provide surface sound velocity measurements, support for various Motion Reference Units (MRUs), gyro-heading sensors and navigtion equipment, and an easy to use graphical user interface (GUI) - operates with our SonarPro for enhanced operator control, data acquisition and display of both bathymetry and side scan data.
The HydroChart 3500 system can be run from a customer-owned or optional PC/laptop using the L-3 Klein developed SonarPro software. SonarPro provides an intuitive, easy-to-use, yet powerful system interface for data acquisition.
For more information on the HydroChart 3500 or any of our other product offereings, please feel free to check out our web site at or email us at [email protected].