FHWorld18: Latest Fire & Emergency Vehicles on Display

March 12, 2018
Over 60 emergency vehicles, including apparatus, ambulance and boats, were displayed at Firehouse World.

Here's a look at some of the over 60 emergency vehicles, including fire apparatus, ambulance and boats that were displayed at Firehouse World last week.

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BFX Fire Apparatus

Nov. 6, 2017
Recognized as an industry leader, BFX Fire Apparatus has built notoriety for providing quality and reliable products.
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Waterax Corp.

May 4, 2016
Trusted by wildland firefighters around the world, WATERAX sets the industry standard by developing innovative, portable fire pumps and water-handling equipment.
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Lake Assault Boats

Sept. 25, 2015
Lake Assault fireboats feature hydraulic bow doors, high-capacity pumps, versatile work platforms and high-performance, quick-planing hulls for fire and rescue departments.