March 2012

Photos by Chris Barrios
The line the rigger is handling is the top safety line, the center line is the main haul line and the line at center is the tag line.
Structural Collapse

TECHNICAL RESCUE: Louisiana USAR Task Force Trains in Canine-Lift Techniques

March 1, 2012
By its very name, an urban search and rescue (USAR) task force must be able to search. The three standard search techniques are physical, technical and canine. All three have ...
Newdel 312 Clsredimedic 10620376

Medtec Delivers Two RediMedic Ambulances

March 1, 2012
COMMUNITY LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEMS INC. in Lackawanna County, PA, has taken delivery of two Medtec RediMedic ambulances. The units feature a recessed overhead grab-rail, angled and...
Courtesy of the San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District
Screen shots of the San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District EMS App in action.

EMS: There's an App For That!

March 1, 2012
When you finish reading this column, go to your computer, pull up YouTube and type in the search words “did you know.” You will find videos that pertain to how technology is changing...
Photos by Ron Moore
Jacking or rolling the dash will require that not only the back side of the base of the A pillar be cut as we normally do, but the base's inside and outside metal plus even the front of the 'box' may have to be cut before the structure will release and move. Cut between the hinges.
Vehicle Extrication

University of Extrication: New-Design A- and B-Pillars

March 1, 2012
This University of Extrication Trainer’s Guide addresses a new challenge that is arising from design changes of the newest model vehicles being produced today. Manufacturers are...
Photos by Mike Daley
Photo 1. The emergency scene is a dynamic, ever-changing scenario where rescuers must be prepared to handle any situation they respond to.
Structural Collapse

The Muscle Of Urban Search and Rescue

March 1, 2012
Michael Daley explains why rescuers must be prepared to handle any situation.

More content from March 2012

Photo by Ron Jeffers
Fort Lee

New Deliveries 3/12

March 1, 2012
THE FORT LEE, NJ, FIRE DEPARTMENT has taken delivery of a Sutphen custom pumper/tanker built on a Sutphen Monarch chassis. Components include a 515-hp Detroit Diesel engine, Telma...
Newdel 312 Darleycafsforyoungs 10620311

Darley Delivers All-Wheel-Drive Quick-Attack Unit

March 1, 2012
THE YOUNGSTOWN, PA, VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT has taken delivery of a Darley/Dodge all-wheel-drive quick-attack unit equipped with a 305-hp Cummins engine, 250-gpm Darley pump...
Photo by Dennis C. Sharpe
Newdel 312 Groundzero064 10620321

Pierce Delivers Velocity Pumper to Scullville FD

THE SCULLVILLE VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY in Egg Harbor Township, NJ, has taken delivery of a Pierce Velocity pumper equipped with Detroit Series 60 DD13 engine, Allison 4000EVS automatic...
Photo by Ron Jeffers
Newdel 312 Westcaldwell71010f5 10620342

Rosenbauer Delivers 1,000-gpm Fast-Attack Pumper

March 1, 2012
THE WEST CALDWELL, NJ, FIRE DEPARTMENT has placed into service a Ford F550/Rosenbauer 1,000-gpm fast-attack pumper equipped with four-wheel drive, two crosslay hosebeds, a booster...
Newdel 312 Dsc01777 10620361

Smeal Delivers Custom Pumper to Newport

March 1, 2012
THE CITY OF NEWPORT, VT, FIRE DEPARTMENT has taken delivery of a Smeal custom pumper built on a Spartan Metro Star chassis powered by a 350-hp Cummins ISC engine with an Allison...
Otjtexas 212 Magnablend013 10604835
Confined Space

On The Job Texas: Four-Alarm Fire Destroys Waxahachie Chemical Plant

Feb. 1, 2012
On Monday, Oct. 3, 2011, a four-alarm fire in Waxahachie, TX destroyed the Magnablend Industries plant, which manufactured and packaged custom chemicals for a variety of uses,...
Photo by Ron Jeffers
Newdel 312 Newmarkete211eonecy 10620332

E-ONE Delivers Cyclone II Pumper

Jan. 30, 2012
THE NEW MARKET FIRE DISTRICT in Piscataway, NJ, has taken delivery of an E-ONE Cyclone II pumper equipped with a 500-hp Cummins ISM engine, Allison 4000EVS-P transmission, 2,000...
78g2730albuquerquenmmountainsc 10618394

Seagrave Delivers Pumper to Albuquerque Fire Department

THE ALBUQUERQUE, NM, FIRE DEPARTMENT has taken delivery of a Seagrave Marauder II pumper powered by a 500-hp Cummins ISM engine, Allison 4000EVS transmission, 2,000-gpm Waterous...
Randolphm 10618379

KME Delivers Custom Pumper

Jan. 25, 2012
THE RANDOLPH, VT, FIRE DEPARTMENT has taken delivery of a KME custom pumper built on a KME Predator MFD chassis. Components include a 475-hp Maxxforce 13 engine, Allison 4000EVS...
Photo by Ron Jeffers
Fl311sutphen20002000250b 10618305

Sutphen Delivers to Fort Lee, NJ, Fire Department

Jan. 25, 2012
THE FORT LEE, NJ, FIRE DEPARTMENT has taken delivery of a Sutphen custom pumper/tanker built on a Sutphen Monarch chassis. Components include a 515-hp Detroit Diesel engine, Telma...