R.I. Voters Ax Fire District

June 18, 2015
Coventry residents voted to dissolve the fire district rather than pay higher taxes.

Voters have decided the Coventry Fire District should be dissolved.

Firefighters will be out of work by the end of the year if the decision is approved by the General Assembly, WPRI reported.

The firefighters have already agreed to union concessions; like cutting overtime, eliminating their clothing allowance, and adjustments to medical insurance, the station reported.

“It was about preserving jobs and doing the right thing for the community,” Coventry IAFF President David Gorman told reporters recently.

Residents, who say they are in the highest taxed fire district, turned down a measure to dig into their pockets again. 

Fire officials, who blasted residents for their decision, said they aren't sure firefighters will get paid next month.

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