Five Dead in Ariz. Fire; Crews Fired Upon

Feb. 23, 2016
Three police officers suffered smoke inhalation.

A shooting in a Phoenix neighborhood quickly escalated Tuesday morning as the incident turned into an active shooter and working house fire.

Firefighters and officers dodged bullets as they arrived, and saw victims in widows yelling for help, according to ABC15.

Before mid-morning, all would be pronounced dead.

They included Vic Buckner, 50, his wife, Kimberly Buckner, 49, and their daughters Kaitlin, 18, and Emma, 6, as well as Alex, 26, the shooter.

Officers donned breathing gear to go into the burning home to help the victims, and look for the gunman. Firefighters vented the roof to clear conditions inside.

But they had to get off the roof quickly when conditions worsened, the station reported. 

The suspect was shot when he pointed a weapon at officers. Once they announced the gunman was down, firefighters went to work against the flames. 

Three officers were treated for smoke inhalation.

Officers managed to rescue the family's dog.

The horrific incident left the Phoenix stunned, and looking for answers. 

Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton told reporters he was impressed by the actions of responders under dire circumstances.

"Their professionalism, their heroism under the worst possible conditions has blown me away today as mayor of this city. Thank you to our incredible heroes.”

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