Emergency Responder Safety Institute


About Emergency Responder Safety Institute


More Info on Emergency Responder Safety Institute

Created as a Committee of the Cumberland Valley Volunteer Firemen's Association, the Emergency Responder Safety Institute (ERSI) serves as an advisory group of public safety leaders and transportation experts committed to reducing deaths and injuries to America's emergency responders. Every day, our nation's firefighters, EMTs/paramedics, state troopers, police officers, sheriff's deputies, tow operators, and departments of transportation responders are exposed to the grave hazards inherent in emergency responses on the nation's highways and roadways. ERSI is dedicated to the safety of these men and women by engaging in and promoting activities that include developing educational material to support responder safety training; promoting the National Unified Goal (NUG) for Traffic Incident Management (TIM) including responder safety; safe, quick clearance and interoperable communications; encouraging the development of TIM Teams, promoting collaboration, communication and cooperation among the nation’s emergency responders and keeping emergency responders up to date on national rules, regulations and trends related to safe roadway incident operations.

Products and Press Releases

Careers & Education

FDSOA Director Speaks His Mind on Responder Safety Podcast

Sept. 22, 2021
Chief Rich Marinucci, Executive Director of the Fire Department Safety Officers Association, is the most recent guest on the ResponderSafety.com podcast.
Safety & Health

FDSOA Receives Grant to Support New Traffic Incident Management Technician Certification

A grant from the FEMA Assistance to Firefighters grant program will support the Certified Traffic Incident Management Technician professional credential.
Operations & Training

Product of the Day: National TIM Training Certificate

Nov. 10, 2020
The Responder Safety Learning Network now offers a free tested training certificate in safety practices when conducting operations on the roadway called the National TIM Training...
Safety & Health

Responder Safety Learning Network Launches New Design

March 19, 2020
The Responder Safety Learning Network (RSLN) has launched a new responsive design enabling the network to be displayed optimally on all devices, including smartphones.
Safety & Health

Responder Safety Network Releases Roadway Safety Videos

March 9, 2020
ResponderSafety.com has released a series of videos demonstrating critical actions to take at every scene to improve the safety of roadway operations.
Samhsa Collage
Educational Materials

New Module from Responder Safety Focuses on Connected Vehicles

May 1, 2019
Rapid advancements in technology are making connected vehicles more and more commonplace on the roadways.
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Safety & Health

FL Firefighters and Safety Organizations Kick off Distracted Driving Awareness Month

Since January, 15 emergency responders have been killed – a tragic reminder of how vulnerable law enforcement, fire and EMS professionals are while they respond to emergencies...
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Careers & Education

Responder Safety Program Handouts Now Available

Sept. 2, 2014
In response to user requests, the Emergency Responder Safety Institute have added a handout for all programs.

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