HazSim and Hazmat Nation held its 6th annual networking event at IAFC’s hazmat conference to raise money for the Firefighter Cancer Support Network and demo the new HazSim Pro...
The company will also donate $1 to the American Cancer Society and the Firefighter Cancer Support Network for every completion of the NFPA 1851 course before March 30, 2023.
The Conference will be held in conjunction with the First Responder Center for Excellence Health and Wellness Symposium, Jan. 17-20, 2023, in St Pete’s Beach, FL.
Firehouse Special Projects Editor Janet Wilmoth details her presentation at the recent Arizona Fire Chiefs Association/Arizona Fire District Chiefs Association conference.
Firefighters statistically have higher rates of multiple types of cancers compared to the general population. This white paper outlines the issues facing all firefighters, and...
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Pierce Manufacturing announces the roll-out of clean cab features that support carcinogen awareness and reduction to exposure (CARE), and their sustaining partnership with the...
he Firefighter Cancer Support Network (FCSN) announced it is providing cancer-prevention training for Indianapolis Fire Department (IFD) instructors and other Indiana fire instructors...
“This generous grant from the Scott Safety Foundation will support FCSN’s national cancer-prevention training and help launch our new train-the-trainer program,” said FCSN President...