Fire Station Exhaust Systems
Plymovent provides high-quality products to protect firefighters and others from exposure to hazardous diesel exhausts. Stay connected on twitter @PlymoventUSA or
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Ward Diesel
Ward Diesel offers NO SMOKE: the only onboard, vehicle-mounted, diesel exhaust removal system featuring automatic, hands-off operation when exiting or returning to station. NO SMOKE 2 high-performance substrate removes gaseous matter on 2007 and newer model engines. It’s designed for new diesel exhaust temperatures.
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Scene Lighting
Tele-Lite offers a new portable rechargeable remote area lighting system – TL-LITE-LED. This version has been designed to make it our most compact unit. The TL-LITE-LED light can be set up in less than 30 seconds for rapid deployment in emergency situations.
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Traffic Safety System
Traffic Safety System’s All-Terrain Scene Light (ATSL) can be ordered with a Honda 1,000- or 2,000-watt generator, halogen or LED light heads and short or tall poles. The ATSL is now offered in a two-pole design with four fold-up legs for extra stability.
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Firehouse Staff
Content written and created by Firehouse Magazine editors.