Baltimore, Md. (March 19, 2009) -- On Wednesday, March 18, 2009 a family of three barely escape after four adjacent homes erupt into flames.
Around 10:00 a.m. fire department units responded to numerous calls reporting a house fire in the 3500 block of W. Belvedere Avenue in Northwest Baltimore. Units arrived to a very dramatic scene involving four homes fully involved in flames and heavy smoke.
First arriving units established a water supply and began a rapid exterior attack in an attempt to suppress the fire. Battalion Chief #5 arrived on location and established command. After performing an initial assessment that revealed four dwellings fully involved with extension to another, he determined that additional resources would be needed to get control of the raging fire. "Command to communications, strike out a second alarm assignment" stated Battalion Chief Joe Wade.
Further assessment revealed that heavy fire had nearly consumed four two story brick row homes on W. Belvedere Avenue. It appeared that 3513 W. Belvedere Avenue may have been the primary structure involved that quickly spread to adjacent dwellings. The residents at 3507 W. Belvedere were fortunate to escape without injury before their home suffered damage from the fire.
Units arriving on the second alarm lay in 5 inch large diameter hose (LDH) to supply other suppression units. Firefighters extended hand lines to battle the fire from ground level, while others placed aerial ladders in service. Extending ladders to the roof, firefighters assigned to truck companies performed ventilation, search and rescue operations and turned off utilities which often presents hazardous conditions to firefighters. Fortunately, search and rescue efforts produced no victims.
Making good headway, the fire persisted in its intensity. To make absolutely certain that the fire did not extend to other adjacent dwellings a third alarm assignment was requested. Bringing just over ninety firefighters and thirty-two fire suppression and support units to the scene, Baltimore City Firefighters once again claimed victory!
The intensity of this fire caused damage to nearby dwellings melting the exterior vinyl siding and collapsing the porch roof of an attached dwelling.
A preliminary investigation revealed no signs of a working smoke detector. Damages to the primary structure were estimated at $40 thousand dollars. The cause of this fire remains under investigation.
"Due to the magnitude of this fire, we are very fortunate that no firefighters or civilians suffered injuries. I commend our firefighters for the remarkable job performed today and everyday" said Fire Chief Jim S. Clack.