
The Rope product category is a collection of information, product listings and resources for researching various fire and rescue rope operations, including high and low angle rope rescue, lowering and lifting systems, ropes and accesorries and rappeling equipment options.
Kingston Fire Department/Facebook
A tree worker who fell 100 feet into a crevice was rescued by an operation that involved Kingston, Bloomington and other crews.

Photos: Worker Rescued from Crevice by Kingston, NY, Rope Rescue Team

Jan. 31, 2025
The man who fell 100-feet into a natural crevice, was aided by fellow tree workers and Bloomington firefighters, until he was immobilized for the rescue.
Trevor James
Technical Rescue

Photos: Frederick County, MD, Technical Rescue Team Stabilized Man after Fall

July 15, 2024
The man toppled off an overlook in Gambrill State Park and fell more than 50 feet down a steep embankment.
Fire crew talks rescue of man, woman 2,000 feet into Kansas City cave
Technical Rescue

Kansas City, MO, Firefighters Discuss Cave Rescue Challenges

July 10, 2024
Crews ran out of 1,200 feet of rope so they used ice packs and a thermal imaging camera.
Photos by Adam Zebrak

Technical Rescue: How a Rope Rescue Team’s Changes Paid Off

June 27, 2024
Adam Zebrak's explanation of how the Rochester, NY, Fire Department's adoption of changes to its rope rescue techniques is valuable insight for other teams.
Boston Fire Department/Twitter

Boston Firefighters Rescue Worker Who Fell Off Steeple

June 8, 2024
Boston firefighters used an aerial ladder to conduct the high-angle rescue from a construction site at the Hope Central Church.
Yuma and Tucson fire departments hold annual rope rescue training
Training Drills

AZ Fire Departments Hold Annual Rope Rescue Training

April 29, 2024
The Yuma and Tucson fire departments train for rescues of palm tree workers who may suffer emergencies.