Firehouse Tech & Comm eNL - May 6th, 2022
Firehouse Tech & Comm eNL | View online
May 6, 2022

Dr. Lori Moore-Merrell explains why the generation and collection of data must be at the forefront for every member of a fire department.

Darren Hutchinson keys on new technology that must be considered for fighting wildland fires.

From our newsletter sponsor: Audio/CAD dispatch to mobile devices without dispatch involvement - Availability, Response, Mapping & Hydrants/POIs.

Stay safe!

Charles Werner spoke to numerous people who responded to the condominium collapse to learn that unmanned aerial systems were crucial to the effort in many ways.
Barry Furey tells why the effect of COVID-19 on dispatchers shouldn't be overlooked.
Timothy Szymanski identifies the methods and tools that can be used to spread the word to civilians in the event that electronic devices and other systems are made inoperable by a catastrophe of some sort.
Michael Wilbur explains why apparatus committees should consider numerous technological advancements that make traveling to fires safer for firefighters.
Broward County residents are concerned about the delays in answering calls from the county's 9-1-1 office.
The Evansville Fire Department recently implemented applied information technology to pre-empt traffic control devices in their community.
A Sevier County firefighter trapped during a wildland fire used a thermal imaging camera to find his way to safety.