Firehouse Tech & Comm eNL - Sep 2nd, 2022
Firehouse Tech & Comm eNL | View online
September 2, 2022

Firehouse Expo 2022 Conference Sessions include John Lewis and Robert Moran's "Emergency Radio Communications: What to Say When it Matters the Most." This interactive course will offer best practice communication procedures and methods specifically designed to assure the efficient rescue of distressed firefighters.

In "Push/Pull Communications," Jason Blake will provide good information that crews should push to command and what information can wait until the command pulls it from crews. 

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Barry Furey looks at several new alerting solutions designed to provide a quick and accurate responses to emergency calls.
Scott Russell explains why firefighters should be completely familiar with the operations of the oxygen and lower explosive limit sensors on a four-gas meter.
Geographic Information Systems can help proactively plan for emergencies by assembling area-specific and community-derived data.
Rob Reardon makes no bones about how big a mistake it is for fire departments not to be on social media.
Polk County Firefighter Brian Steger was arrested when authorities found child pornography on his personal account at the fire station.
The two Flat Rock firefighters answered the call after the second dispatch.
Police believe the recordings in the Elverson-Honey Brook Area EMS station occurred for months.