Firehouse Tech & Comm eNL - Jan 6th, 2023
Firehouse Tech & Comm eNL | View online
January 6, 2023

The application period to nominate your members for acts of bravery and valor for the Firehouse Valor and Community Service Awards is now open. We are looking for fire/rescue incidents that occurred in 2022, and to recognize ongoing community outreach efforts.

Firehouse is also seeking submissions from fire chiefs and PIOs for the annual Run Surveys. Please choose the correct form for your department...Combination Department, National Run Survey (for career departments) or Volunteer Department. We thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Stay safe!

Denise L. Smith and Craig A. Haigh explain how technology can help the fire service, particularly related to key areas that have the biggest impact on firefighter injuries and fatalities.
Michael Terpak provides the 10 things that ladder company members who are sent to a flat roof of a fire building must be alert to for radioing to their incident commander.
Charles Werner reminds that an embrace of the latest technology by fire service organizations must recognize its vulnerabilities, including in regard to cyber attacks.
Barry Furey makes the case for why the training that's provided to firefighters and dispatchers must incorporate lessons that point out how operational terms can differ from one jurisdiction to the next and why that must be countered however possible.
A suit filed in Manhattan federal court claims that Empress Ambulance did not notify patients that their data system was hack for four months.
The MARCS system provides statewide, secure, reliable public service wireless communication for first responders.
The Australian study showed firefighters with high PFAS levels who gave blood regularly saw a 10% decrease in their levels after a year and those who gave plasma dropped 30%.