Firehouse Apparatus eNL - Nov 14th, 2023
Firehouse Apparatus eNL | View online
November 14, 2023

This is Crash Responder Safety Week and the International Association of Fire Fighters is urging the public to use extreme caution while driving near traffic accidents.

The IAFF is also encouraging responders to stay updated on best practices for staying safe. This weeklong national event promotes Slow Down, Move Over law awareness for motorists and free Traffic Incident Management (TIM) training for responders.

Stay safe!

Manufacturers display the latest and greatest in fire-rescue and EMS apparatus and boats.
John Salka Jr. removes any possible confusion for first-in engine officers at a structure fire regarding pulling hose to attack the fire based on diameter and length.
Dr. Stephen Solomon looks at recent studies that compare accident rates for red vs. lime-yellow apparatus.
Neil Sjostrom keys on what apparatus committees must address to optimize a new rig when it comes to battery-powered equipment compared with corded tools.
This week's gallery includes two 3,000-gallon tankers, a mid-mount aerial platform and a custom heavy rescue.
This week's featured apparatus include a group order of Type 3 engines, a custom ambulance, a tanker and a New Jersey chief's vehicle.
Fire stations have been closed recently due to a shortage of apparatus.
Vaughan firefighters were not able to move the rig but they escaped injury.
Two EMTs with Victorious Care Ambulance Service in Laredo, TX, and a civilian were killed.