Firehouse Safety & Health eNL - Mar 15th, 2024
Firehouse Safety & Health eNL | View online
March 15, 2024

The theme for the 2024 Safety Stand Down is “Fire Training: Back to Basics,” which emphasizes the importance of training by reinforcing proper strategies and tactics with a focus on the fundamentals. 

Safety Stand Down, to be held June 16-22, 2024, is a joint initiative of the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) Safety, Health and Survival Section, the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC), the National Fire Protection Association® (NFPA®), the Fire Department Safety Officers Association (FDSOA), and the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF). 

Stay tuned to for more information and resources in the months leading up to the campaign. 

Stay safe!


Peter Matthews urges officers, deputy chiefs and chiefs to have the difficult conversations with members regarding exposure to cancer-causing toxins.
Jason Barger says the ability to convey controlled communication to crews begins by breathing in a way that calms the body’s autonomic nervous system to mitigate anxiety.
Ed Hartin and Jerry Helm compare traditional helmets with new European-style head gear. Plus, Jason Caughey explains why choosing a helmet should be a personal choice.
Dana Harrison offers a step-by-step approach for making changes to a fire department's nutrition environment.
Fire service officials praised the move that also increases authorized funding.
The award recognizes outstanding efforts by a safety advocate who diligently promotes the importance of home fire sprinklers.
The measure would have recognized all cancers firefighters may get due to exposures on the job.
North College Hill firefighters say their safety concerns have fallen on deaf ears.