Nash County first responders were kept busy during when Hurricane Matthew hit and for many days after.
All 16 Nash County fire stations, plus the City of Rocky Mount Fire Department answered hundreds of water rescue calls plus other requests for assistance and a few working dwelling fires.
The Swift Water Rescue Teams were going 24 hours straight.
One particular call was in the Rocky Mount section of the Bunn Farm subdivision which includes over eighty homes. Rescue workers were able to enter the first division of a large flooded area and were unable to take their equipment across the large section of water to reach the second division. This was about three or four blocks away.
A call was placed to the Army National Guard for assistance with their Humvee to be used to carry the rescue boats and personnel. Many residents were trapped in their homes including one elderly woman who was bed ridden. She was taken out on a Stokes Basket and was placed in the rescue boat, then the Humvee to an awaiting EMS Unit.
The Rocky Mount and Stony Creek swift water teams worked over five hours going door to door checking for residents. That resulted in transporting family members and their animals to dry land.
The town of Nashville business area had suffered serious flood conditions from the fast rising water. There were still many customers in the restaurants and stores when the flood water started to cover the area very quickly.
Nashville first responders had to work quickly to remove the trapped people. Crews were able to remove four family members from one home that had four feet of water in their home.
Crews also responded to cars trapped by rising water and occupants were rescued from vehicle roof tops.