Pa. Fire Displaces Two Families, Injures Firefighter
Source The Morning Call (Allentown, Pa.)
Dec. 12--Two attached homes were damaged in Bethlehem in a fire that started in a second-floor bedroom and spread to the attics, displacing two families, fire officials said.
One firefighter lieutenant was injured as fire crews battled the 811 Wyandotte St. fire, which broke out 3:15 p.m.
"Part of a roof came down on his shoulder," said fire Capt. Gerald Huber. "They checked him out at the hospital," and he is expected to recover soon.
Flames were pouring out the windows when city police arrived, Huber said. Neither of the families was there at the time, he said.
The freezing air made it difficult to battle the fire. Water turned to ice as it rolled down the hill. City salt trucks were called in to help out.
The firefighters brought the fire under control in about 55 minutes, Huber said. By then, the second floor and attic of 811 Wyandotte had been gutted, and the twin attic of 813 Wyandotte also was gutted.
Fire officials late Thursday still were investigating the cause of the fire.
The American Red Cross of the Greater Lehigh Valley was asked to provide temporary lodging and other assistance for the two displaced families.
The Red Cross said it gave food, clothing and lodging to one family of two adults in one of the twin homes, and was waiting to meet the second family to determine its needs.
The Red Cross also provided canteen services to emergency workers.
-- Frank Warner
Copyright 2013 - The Morning Call (Allentown, Pa.)