The TL-2 Traditional Leather helmet is the lightest NFPA compliant, authentic leather helmet on the market. Worn by firefighters worldwide, the TL-2 combines tradition and modern safety in a handcrafted masterpiece. The TL-2 is the most customizable helmet on the market. With several different factory installed brim styles and over 70 different colors to choose from, you are sure to create a helmet that is just as unique as you are. No piece of equipment is more symbolic of a firefighter than a fire helmet. Phenix understands how personal and unique every firefighter's helmet is. They recognize that your helmet is your most important piece of equipment and work tirelessly to ensure that they provide only the best. Because nothing is more important to Phenix than you and your safety. Now offering helmet mounted flashlights. Pictured is the Nitex Pro eLED Rechargeable flashlight exclusively distributed by Phenix. For more information, visit