Minerva Bunker Gear Cleaners is committed to providing the firefighting community with the finest possible maintenance care program available. We have the largest facility in the country dedicated exclusively to the cleaning, repair and inspection of Bunker Gear and Turnout Gear (PPE's) as well as Wildland, Industrial and Aviation Fire Fighting Apparel, Fire Fighting Ensembles (FFE's), Fire Protective Garments (FPG's) for shipboard personnel and Proximity Suits.
As part of the award, the Cobb County Fire Rescue has leased Minerva in-house warehouse and office space within their Fire Annex as to provide in-house cleaning and repair for...
In an effort to help reduce occupational cancers risks faced by firefighters every day, Minerva Bunker Gear Cleaners, Fire Soaps and FireWipes are working toward a more comprehensive...
Brian Marenco cleans up when it comes to providing ways to distinguish suitable candidates to provide PPE care/maintenance service from the unsuitable.