Apparatus Type

The Apparatus product category is a collection of information and product listings and resources for Fire Apparaus Manufacturers and Emergency Vehicle and Fire Truck Builders.
Photo by Marc Aloan
Recent research confirmed a trend of departments opting to purchase pickups to serve as chief’s vehicles. Although larger pickups might not maneuver on tight city streets as well as SUVs can, pickups can accommodate a variety of storage solutions, ranging from generic slide-out trays and tonneau covers to full bed remounts that include custom cabinets.

Fire Apparatus Supplement 2025: Building the Buggy

March 11, 2025
Marc Aloan explains the pros and cons of the choice between SUV and pickup for a chief's vehicle and the design factors of both that might escape initial considerations.
Photos by Rick Mosher
fire department pumpers portable ladder access Rick Mosher

Fire Apparatus Supplement 2025: Portable Ladder Storage on Pumpers

March 11, 2025
Rick Mosher details the reasoning for some departments to specify a high-side/low-side pumper that includes curbside access to ground ladders.
Orange County Fire Authority Purchases 10 KME Severe Service Pumpers

Orange County Fire Authority Purchases 10 KME Severe Service Pumpers

March 6, 2025
These pumpers are replacement trucks for its current in-service paramedic fire engine companies in Orange County, CA.
One dead, four hospitalized after Portland house fire

One Dead, Four Hurt in Portland, ME, Fire

March 6, 2025
Firefighters were forced to evacuate due to failing structural integrity, Portland fire officials said.
Fatal Fire Destroys Bar and Apartments, East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania - 3

Two Killed in East Stroudsburg, PA, Building Fire

March 6, 2025
The fire had burned through the floor, preventing crews from entering the Wander Inn Bar & Grill.