Folds of Honor Foundation

Owasso, OK 74055


About Folds of Honor Foundation


9500 N 129th E Avenue
Suite 235
Owasso, OK 74055

More Info on Folds of Honor Foundation

It began with Lt Col Dan Rooney’s flight home from his second tour of duty in Iraq. An F-16 fighter pilot in the Oklahoma Air National Guard, he became painfully aware of the realities families face when a loved one in uniform is fallen or disabled.

As his flight landed, the pilot announced they carried the remains of Corporal Brock Bucklin on board. Lt Col Rooney watched as Corporal Bucklin’s twin brother walked somberly alongside the flag-covered casket to meet his family on the tarmac. Among them was the deceased Corporal’s young son, Jacob.

Since that night, Lt Col Rooney has committed his life to rallying patriotic Americans and meeting sacrifice with hope through the Folds of Honor. Since 2007, we’ve provided life-changing scholarships to the spouses and children of America’s fallen or disabled military. And now, our mission expands to the families of America’s first responders. On our watch, those who protect our freedoms and our families will know they are not forgotten.

Products and Press Releases

Folds of Honor
The application period remains open until March 31, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. EST.
Careers & Education

Folds of Honor Announces the Opening of its Scholarship Application

Feb. 5, 2025
Scholarships from the organization provide educational support to dependents and/or spouses of fallen or disabled U.S. service members and first responders.
Folds of Honor
Careers & Education

Folds of Honor Attains Significant Milestones

Oct. 31, 2023
With Its 2023-24 Academic Class, the Foundation Sets Records for Single-Year Scholarships Awarded, Applications, and Has Provided Over 51,000 Educational Scholarships.
Folds of Honor
Lt Col Dan Rooney, PGA, founder and CEO of Folds of Honor.

Patriot Golf Days Gears Up For Another Successful Memorial Day Weekend

May 25, 2023
Folds of Honor Foundation will support “PGA REACH Drive It Further Campaign” to positively impact the lives of Veterans through PGA HOPE.
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Careers & Education

Folds of Honor Scholarships Open for First Responder Families

Jan. 23, 2023
This will be the first time families of fallen or disabled first responders will have the opportunity to be provided a scholarship by the Folds of Honor.
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Careers & Education

Folds of Honor to Offer Scholarships to Families of First Responders

Jan. 12, 2023
The application window will be open between February 1 and March 31 each year.

Articles & News

Feb 23 For The Record Go Green Clean Pic
Careers & Education

For the Record 2/23

Feb. 6, 2023
Go Green Clean mobile campaign seeks to educate firefighters across the county on firefighter cancer risks and post-fire decontamination methods.

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