Firehouse Ops/Training eNL - Jul 29th, 2022
Firehouse Ops/Training eNL | View online
July 29, 2022

Firehouse Expo 2022 offers two days of Hands-On Training programs. Robert Faas presents "All Saws" an 8-hour training experience that allows attendees to rotate through skills stations of cutting roofs, garage doors and more.

Accurate hoseline flows, water-mapping knowledge, overcoming strecthing issues, and fire extinguishment are all taught in "Engine Company Ops: From the Scienece to the Street" with presenters Steve Robertson and Keith Stakes. Register now!

From our newsletter sponsor: The NVFC is the leading nonprofit organization representing the volunteer fire, EMS, and rescue services.

Stay safe!

James Hlavenka shares 10 tips to make collecting and creating pre-incident plans easy for firefighters to have the vital information at their finger tips.
Christopher Eysser covers placing the ladder to a flat roof and lining up the bucket among numerous steps in positioning a tower ladder on the fireground.
Michael Terpak says that officers must stay one step ahead of the potentially deadly problems that can arise in a stairwell at a fire.
John J. Salka Jr. reminds that if you do anything else on arrival at a residential fire other than deploy the first attack line, you allow the fire to extend, spread and grow.
A Providence firefighter used a ladder to rescue a man from a second-floor porch who was trapped by fire.
The Mechanicsburg Fire Department and Police Department conducted a joint training session to prepare for the possibility of an active shooter event.
The helicopter is undergoing a transformation from matte military utility to red, white and blue, with a water-filled gut and unique firefighting capabilities.