Firehouse Rescue eNL - Aug 19th, 2022
Firehouse Rescue eNL | View online
August 19, 2022

Firehouse Expo 2022 includes Hands-On Training programs involving rescue situations. There are limited spots to join Dalan Zartman and his team from Rescue Methods to learn rope rescue skills in "Personal Rope Skills: Ascending, Rapelling & Mid-Height Rescue."

In Evan Beck's "Aerial Rescue in Trees," attendees will work with renowned arborists and rescue technicians to enhance their rope rescue skills. Register here.

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Bob Atlas digs into the details of Contra Costa, CA, Fire Protection District's Technical Rescue Program's extrication of a man who was trapped in an 18-inch drainage pipe.
Russell McCullar demystifies when it comes to so-called rules regarding rescues that involved rope.
Sammy Listoe and Larry Hogueisson provide all of the details that led to the debut of a rapid extrication module support team by the Rincon, CA, Fire Department.
Andrew McIntyre's deep dive into personal flotation devices and other necessary swiftwater rescue equipment is all about ensuring risk of entanglement is minimized.
Walton County Fire Rescue crews used extrication cutters to cut the horse out after it somehow got stuck in a hay feeder.
Pasco County Fire Rescue firefighters said the woman was pinned in such a way that her legs became stuck underneath a metal step located below the driver’s side door.
San Diego Fire-Rescue crews set up a rope system and lowered the patient about 400 feet to the beach below where an ambulance was waiting.