Video of a recent dramatic rescue shows Portland firefighters rescuing a couple from a house fire.
Two teens jumped from the window prior to firefighters arriving, WKRN reported adding that the youths said the fire was in the upstairs hallway blocking their parents' exit route.
“You train for you it, you hope you never have to use it, but this is why you train,” explained Portland Fire Chief Sam Thornton.
In his 25 years on the job, he has never performed the rescue that his team did last month.
The operation began with a frantic 911 call from one of the family members: “Our house is on fire! There’s a fire in our hallway, and we’re trapped upstairs! Hurry! Please hurry! The room is full of smoke!”
A police officer went into the house, opened the door to the second floor and saw the growing fire.
“Hey guys, the fire is upstairs where they’re at,” the officer told firefighters.