W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc.

Elkton, MD 21921


About W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc.

W. L. Gore & Associates has pioneered high-performance fabrics including GORE Particulate Hood, GORE CROSSTECH black moisture barrier, GORE PARALLON liner system, GORE CHEMPAK fabrics and more.


105 Vieve's Way
Elkton, MD 21921
United States of America
800-431-GORE (4673)

More Info on W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc.

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To improve your safety and deliver 360° protection, Gore continues to push the technical capabilities of PPE. Our portfolio of products for the fire industry provides durable and reliable performance that prevents skin contamination, minimizes potential injury, and delivers the highest breathability across multiple environments.

  • Now certified to the particulate-blocking option of the NFPA 1971 Standard, 2018 Edition, the GORE® Particulate Hood is your best choice for protection and comfort. This durable hood’s barrier maintains its 99.9% particulate-blocking performance even after 100 wash cycles.
  • Third-party testing has confirmed that the GORE® PARALLON™ liner system in your turnout gear delivers the highest breathability, followed closely by the GORE® CROSSTECH® black moisture barrier. Both of these products performed significantly better than the competition in helping to reduce heat exhaustion.
  • Gloves with GORE® CROSSTECH® glove inserts maintain a durable barrier that ensures reliable, long-lasting protection while providing the dexterity you need to successfully complete your job.
  • Leather boots with GORE® CROSSTECH® fabric have been proven to reduce the risk of slips and falls. This fabric leads the industry in providing durable, breathable protection in firefighter footwear.
  • Certified to NFPA 1994, Class 2 or Class 3, suits made with GORE® CHEMPAK® fabrics deliver enhanced functionality, helping you operate in warm and hot zone environments more confidently and remain engaged longer.

We cannot change the conditions that you work in, but we continue to engineer gear that addresses your challenges.

Products and Press Releases


Product of the Day: BIO-99 Suit

Oct. 8, 2020
The BIO-99 Suit allows responders to perform physically demanding activities such as patient assessment, transferring, and transport for longer durations than disposable PPE offerings...
Bio 99 2

Blauer Receives NFPA Certification for Reusable PPE

June 11, 2020
Blauer Manufacturing has received third-party NFPA 1999 certification for its reusable COVID-19 personal protective equipment.
W. L. Gore & Associates

Product of the Day: GORE Particulate Hood GEN2

Oct. 29, 2019
The level of comfort you get in the GORE Particulate Hood GEN2 has been improved to deliver a more natural feel without compromising protection.
Gore Particulate Hood0051 No Face

New GORE Particulate Hood GEN2 Improves Comfort Without Compromising Performance

Sept. 16, 2019
The GORE Particulate Hood GEN2 delivers increased comfort due to higher breathability, enabling you to wear the hood on the scene longer.
St. Petersburg Fire Rescue
St. Petersburg Fire Rescue personnel wearing the GORE Particulate Hood during training

FL Fire-Rescue Dept. Protects Staff with New Protocols and Particulate Hoods

Oct. 23, 2018
As one of the busiest departments in the country, St. Petersburg Fire Rescue in Florida has committed resources to elevate the protection of their firefighters at the fire scene...
Gore Crosstech

Product of the Day: W. L. Gore & Associates -- GORE CROSSTECH Black Moisture Barrier

Oct. 22, 2018
The GORE CROSSTECH black moisture barrier is the choice of most major metro fire departments.
W.L. Gore & Associates
Certified to NFPA 1994, Class 3R, 4R, and NFPA 1992 Standards, the Ruggedized Class 3 suit made of GORE® CHEMPAK® selectively permeable fabric, enables you to respond confidently during tactical entry and search & rescue missions.
Chemical & Hazmat Gear

Industry Insights: Considerations When Selecting Tactical Response Gear

July 15, 2018
Jason Horowtiz looks at updates to NFPA 1994, the standard that covers hazardous materials and CBRN terrorism PPE.
W.L. Gore & Associates
Two Fluorescent Aerosol Screening Test (FAST) images show the new Gore Particulate Hood donned properly (left) and then after 100 washes.
Fire Service Industry Partner Content

Industry Insights: Particulate-Blocking Hoods - Testing for Durable Protection

July 2, 2018
Holly Blake explains the certification process for particulate-blocking firefighter PPE hoods, which evaluates product construction and performance.
Gore Ruggedized Suit Kneel
Chemical & Hazmat Gear

W. L. Gore & Associates’ Release Ruggedized Class 3 Suit

May 30, 2018
W. L. Gore & Associates has expanded its line with the addition of the Ruggedized Class 3 suit made of GORE CHEMPAK selectively permeable fabric.
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Professional Associations & Services

Gore Supports Fire Industry as Co-Sponsor of IAFF Cancer Summit

Jan. 29, 2018
W. L. Gore & Associates’ Protective Fabrics Division is proud to join the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) and other fire industry leaders to sponsor the IAFF...

Articles & News

W.L. Gore & Associates
The Gore® Particulate Hood inspection opening allows you to invert the hood and inspect the protective barrier. The red stitching helps you know that you are wearing the right side out.
Fire Service Industry Partner Content

Manufacturer's Corner: Do You Know How Durable Your Particulate Hood Is?

Sept. 6, 2018
Lon Edelman explains why firefighters need to consider the PPE hood durability based on their specific needs and anticipated use.
W.L. Gore & Associates
The protective barrier in the GORE® Particulate Hood covers the entire hood. The red stitching helps you know that you are wearing the right side out.
Fire Service Industry Partner Content

Manufacturer's Corner: Particulate Hoods — Why a Wear Trial?

May 14, 2018
Jeff Jury outlines the goals and evaluation methods for a wear trial for particulate-blocking firefighter PPE hoods.
W.L. Gore & Associates
Traditional hood with gaps at hood-to-mask interface
Fire Service Industry Partner Content

Manufacturer's Corner: Five Tips for Choosing the Right Particulate Hood

March 31, 2018
Holly Blake looks at factors for choosing firefighter PPE hoods, including particulate protection, testing, durability and design features.
Ed Ballam/Firehouse.com
FLIR displayed its Unmaned Aircraft System (UAS) thermal imaging kits. The M10 640-19 has two gimbals, one for a visible camera and the other for a thermal imager. The device offers responders more options for surveillance of scenes and size-up.

FHExpo17: Product Technology Dazzles Show Attendees

Oct. 20, 2017
Vendors from all sectors of the fire service displayed their latest technological achievements at Firehouse Expo.
Ed Ballam Firehouse.com News
Rosenbauer's electric Concept Fire Truck (CFT).

Technological Advancements Give Indy Show a Space-Age Feel

May 3, 2017
Ed Ballam offers a glimpse into the technology he found at last week's trade show.
Ed Ballam/Firehouse
A Gore associate burns a portion of the company's Parallon liner system in a Cone Calorimeter to measure the fabric's heat-release characteristics. The fabric was subjected to about 1,700 degrees Fahrenheit in the device.
Turnout Gear

W.L. Gore Celebrates 40th Year of Gore-Tex

Nov. 18, 2016
W.L Gore & Associate's offered the media a sneak peek into their new testing facility in Maryland.
Image Courtesy of W.L. Gore
Download the larger graphic below.

Tools & Technologies: The Evolution of Breathability in Turnout Gear

Oct. 1, 2015
In the past 50 years, the evolution of protective barriers in turnout garments has had a significant impact on firefighter safety and performance at the fire scene.
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Product Showcase 6/13

June 1, 2013
BlauerBlauer’s Multi-Threat Ensemble is certified to NFPA 1994 Class 2 and NFPA 1992 for serious protection during physically demanding HAZMAT response. GORE CHEMPAK Ultra-Barrier...
Columbia Southern University
Trench Rescue

2012 Top Innovations

Dec. 1, 2012
Online UniversityColumbia Southern University (CSU), a completely online university, was established to meet the demand for alternatives to the traditional university experience...

Videos & Resources

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Turnout Gear

Gore Technology Manages Heat Stress

March 31, 2018
The choice of protective barrier in your turnout gear has the most impact on breathability — more than any combined choice of outer shell and thermal barrier. If your body’s heat...
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Managing Heat Stress Better with Gore Technology

July 18, 2016
A recent human trial has proven that your choice of protective barrier makes a difference in managing heat stress.
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GORE PARALLON Liner System — From the Makers of CROSSTECH Products

Oct. 5, 2015
A revolutionary shift in what’s possible for turnout gear .
RollNRack showcased the Efficiency Package for hose racking. It includes one Power Roller, one GO-Pack, one Extra Coupling Jaw set and one extra battery pack and charger.

2015 Fire & Rescue Product Innovations Unveiled

April 24, 2015
Dozens of new tools, equipment and technologies for fire and rescue personnel were introduced last week.
Crosstech Image

Manage Your Heat Stress Better

Jan. 20, 2014
Check out the latest data on heat stress and how CROSSTECH® moisture barriers help decrease its associated effects.
Elkhart Brass introduced a new monitor capable of flowing up to 1,500 gpm with reduced friction loss compared to similar products, according to the maker. Called the Cobra EXM, the new monitor has a stow height of 16 inches and features electronic controls. Photo by Ed Ballam

2013 Fire Service Product Innovations

May 1, 2013
New and innovative products found by Firehouse editors at FDIC.
Ed Ballam/Firehouse
Toyne – Ladder space is abundant on Toyne’s latest “quad” on the show floor ready for delivery to LaFayette Township (Ind.) Fire Department.

2012 Product Innovations

April 20, 2012
Firehouse® has no affiliation with FDIC®, which is owned and produced by PennWell

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All content from W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc.

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Product of the Day: Gore Chempak -- Ultra Barrier Fabric

Dec. 8, 2017
GORE CHEMPAK fabrics deliver exceptional protection without compromising your mobility or your ability to get the job done.
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GORE Particulate Hood First to be Certified to New NFPA Standard

Oct. 9, 2017
W. L. Gore & Associates announced that its GORE Particulate Hood is the first particulate hood to be certified to the new 2018 Edition of the NFPA 1971 Standard
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Product of the Day: Gore -- Particulate Hood

Oct. 9, 2017
Exceeding the requirements of the NFPA 1971 Standard, the GORE Particulate Hood is your best choice for certified protection.
Gore Particulate Hood Black Front 59136d1fcea36

New GORE Particulate Hood Delivers Comfort, Durability, and Protection

May 10, 2017
Gore has recently introduced the latest in hood technology with a particulate hood designed to block 99.9 percent of particles between 0.1 and 1.0 microns in size.
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GORE Protective Barriers Reduce Firefighter Heat Stress

May 2, 2016
W. L. Gore & Associates recently presented the results of a human study that evaluated the physiological impact of protective barriers currently available in turnout gear.
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Gore Protective Fabrics Expands Warranty Program

Jan. 11, 2016
W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc., recently announced an enhancement of the warranty program for its line of moisture barriers and liner systems.
W. L. Gore

Gore Chempak Fabrics Reduce Heat Stress

Nov. 4, 2015
Certified to NFPA 1994, Class 2, durable multi-threat suits made with GORE CHEMPAK ultra barrier fabric are engineered to help reduce heat stress.
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W.L. Gore Parallon

May 8, 2015
The GORE PARALLON Liner system maintains thermal protection better as your gear gets wet while also achieving unparalleled breathability in broader environments. Check out the...
Ed Ballam/Firehouse
W. L. Gore & Associates announced the next level of turnout gear performance with the GORE PARALLON liner system. It was unveiled at a pre-FDIC event Wednesday evening.

W. L. Gore Unveils New Turnout Gear Liner at FDIC

April 23, 2015
At the Fire Department Instructors Conference (FDIC), W. L. Gore & Associates announced the next level of turnout gear performance with the GORE PARALLON liner system.