InformCAD computer-aided dispatch is a true command and control solution providing efficient incident management, strategic resource deployment, and timely decision support for dispatch and field personnel.
InformCAD computer-aided dispatch is a true command and control solution providing efficient incident management, strategic resource deployment, and timely decision support for dispatch and field personnel.
Features designed to improve response times and provide complete operational overview include:
Quickest Path Recommendation – Utilize the street network to dispatch on the basis of closest appropriate unit by station, post, or current location by fastest estimated response time (actual drive time)
Dynamic & Fixed Response Plans – Flexible response plan creation for station based or quickest time to incident
Advanced Recommendations Utilizing Resources, People & Capabilities – Rapid and correct resource and crew allocation putting the correct resources on scene quickly
Cross Staffing - Ensure appropriate personnel coverage when having the same personnel as signed to multiple units to meet Fire and EMS response needs.