March 2025
Issue Description: The March issue of Firehouse includes feature articles on firefighter training facilities, thermal imaging, Detroit's Opioid Quick Response Team, previews of FireFusion and the Station Design Conference and a special Apparatus Supplement.
Cover Description: Members of the Albany, NY, Fire Department make their way up the stairs and force the front door of a vacant structure as heavy smoke pushes from the boarded up doorway and windows. Command had notified all units that there were people in the structure. Firefighters searched and located the victim, who had serious burns. Other members then knocked down fire that made its way up from the basement. Firefighters on the second floor conducted ventilation on the front windows. Photo by Jeffrey Belschwinder of Sidewinder Photography
Dedication: Eleven U.S. firefighters recently died in the line of duty—Firefighter Jeffrey Albanese, Capt. Christopher Clevenger, Capt. Mark Eads, Firefighter Jeffrey Fiala, Firefighter John Gaudet, Master Firefighter Christopher Higgins, Firefighter/EMT-I Jacob Kincaid, Capt. Adam Kuspa, Medical Capt. Roger Lathrop, Firefighter William Nix and Engineer Kevin Skinner. This issue of Firehouse is dedicated to these firefighters.