Tempest Technology
About Tempest Technology
Fresno, CA 93722
More Info on Tempest Technology
Over three decades ago, Tempest helped pioneer a new firefighting technique called positive pressure ventilation/attack or PPV/PPA.
Our high-performance inflators were just what the fire industry was looking for to deploy this groundbreaking tactic. PPV became well known for its success along with Tempest’s reputation for being the first and only manufacturer with the perfect tool for the job at hand.
In 2018 Tempest became part of the Leader Group family and is now able to offer a much more extensive range of products.
Fire equipment: Blowers/fans, Thermal Imaging Cameras (TICS), foam equipment, fire blanket, smoke curtain, nozzles, monitors, stability monitors, wyes, current detector, fire rescue saws.
Lifesaving equipment: Victim search apparatus with seismic sensors, search cameras, stability controller, lifesaving struts, lifting cushions, clearing tools, motor pumps, electrical current detector, etc.
Fire extinguishing training material: Fire trays for realistic simulations, smoke generators