Training Drills

The Training Drills product category is a collection of information, product listings and resources for researching various firefighter drill ideas and training options.
Sebastian Restrepo (TNS)
Mass. firefighters take the plunge in ice rescue training
Water & Ice

MA Firefighters Train for Ice Rescues

Feb. 25, 2025
Crews from across the state learned everything from how to properly wear protective waterproof suits to deploying inflatable rafts.
Operations & Training

Firefighter Training Strategies: A Comprehensive Approach to Increase Performance

Oct. 7, 2024
Matt Shronts believes consideration of how delivery and retention of information is accomplished enhances the likelihood of successful outcomes and firefighter safety.
First Responder Center for Excellence
Together, the FRCE and APS will work to create new online learning modules, broadening training opportunities for firefighters and other first responders.
Operations & Training

First Responder Center for Excellence and Advanced Problem Solving Announce Strategic Alliance

This collaboration will leverage the strengths of both organizations to provide online learning solutions for firefighters and other emergency personnel.
Training Drills

AL Chief to Investigate 'Inappropriate' Training Exercise

Oct. 2, 2024
Decatur Fire & Rescue Chief Tracy Thornton says training scenarios like this should have never occurred and will not happen again.
Training Drills

CT Firefighters Practice Tree Rescues

Sept. 19, 2024
Firefighters from across the state were trained on how to help arborists and homeowners out of trees they can't access with a ladder or truck.
Eastern Kentucky University
Eastern Kentucky University photo 3
Careers & Education

EKU Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Degree Sparks Game-Changing Career Readiness

Eastern Kentucky University's program uses cutting-edge technology and hosts some of the most advanced facilities in the world.